
A Mom & her Baby

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Joy in pictures

This is copied from a scrapbooking magazine that copied it from Prevention magazine. I'm sorry I don't know which edition of Prevention....

"The next time you need a mood boost, forget chocolate. [I truly wish I could!] Forget the wine [never started] and mood music [even "Walkin' on Sunshine"?!], too. Because researchers have discovered something else that works even better. And best of all, it's calorie-free, doesn't require exercise, and can be done almost anywhere. What is it? Looking at personal photos. [Bold is mine.]

Researchers at the United Kingdom's Open University examined how much people's moods rose after eating chocolate, sipping an alcoholic drink, watching TV, listening to music or looking at photos. [Sorry. I don't know any more specifics, but I am wondering if the TV watching included Glee!!!]

The found that the music and chocolate left people's moods unchanged. Alcohol and TV gave a slight lift. [So even though I don't drink, a good reason to start.....although, with my addictive personality, still not a good enough reason!] But the winner by a long shot was viewing personal photos, which made people feel significantly better.

So next time you feel down in the dumps, pull out the photo albums." [Bold is mine.]

[I find it interesting that these researchers didn't include READING A BOOK as part of their study! I guess it would have thrown the whole study off its purpose and ruined the curve for photos!!!!!!!! Still, considering that I love to scrapbook almost as much as I love to read and watch movies, this article is very interesting!!!!]

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