
A Mom & her Baby

Monday, May 3, 2010

New Gleek

OK. I became a Twi-Hard about a year ago after finally giving in and reading--and re-reading--and re-reading (a total of 6 times each book, including Midnight Sun) the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. And, yes, I'm proud of it! BTW: I'm team Carlisle. You can have Edward and Jacob. I'll take Carlisle any day!!!

A few months ago, my sister told me about this new tv show, Glee. I listened with half an ear, barely interested in another new tv show. I'm already addicted to so many. Then, about 3 weeks ago, I saw my very first episode. I became an instant GLEEK. This show is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!! And then some!!!! I've already Netflixed the first 4 episodes and watched all 4 first episodes at least twice, staying up until 3:00 in the morning in order to watch them all!!! Again, I'm proud of my Gleekness.

With that being said, it hit me this afternoon that Glee is really nothing but a harder, grittier High School Musical. As much as we all went crazy over HSM, it is not at all surprising that Glee has become the national phenomenom it now is. I, like millions of others, wait in anxious anticipation for each week's episode. My DVR is set to tape it, yet I still watch it during it's original airing and then over and over and over again throughout the week! I honestly can't get enough of my Finn, Rachel, Quinn, Sue, Mercedes, Puck, Curt (Kurt?), and, OMG--Will!!!!!!

Will Zac Efron ever be a guest star on Glee? I seriously doubt it. The network can't make it overly obvious that they've stolen the basice essence from something else that took the nation by storm.

Does that lessen my love for or enjoyment of Glee? A resounding NOOOO!!!! It is THE most amazing show on tv and I'm going to go absolutely insane when this season is over!!!!!!!!!


  1. My wife Sarah and I both enjoy Glee. She also is a huge Twilight fan. I personally felt the books and movies were an atrocity. I thought the books were a literary mess. I never thought my English Lit teacher Mrs. Watson would tolerate such lazy writing!


  2. Yay! I'm happy dancing because 1)You have a blog and 2)You love Twilight!! I also adore Twilight. I fall somewhere between Team Edward's musical talents and Team Jacob's shirtless beauty. I'm just being honest...

    I hope God is blessing you and your family in big ways! It's awesome to reconnect with you!

