
A Mom & her Baby

Thursday, May 13, 2010


OK. So after thoroughly enjoying all of the Twilight books--6 times each, including Midnight Sun, when someone told me if I liked that, then I'd also enjoy the House of Night series. So I went online to my book club and purchased all that had been out at the time. (I did buy the most recent one the day it came out even though I hadn't been anticipating it's release as I am the new one from Stephenie that is already pre-ordered on!!!)

I flew through the first book of the House of Night series and I did enjoy it even though I noticed quite a few unforgivable grammar errors. It was edgy and different and was taking a new look at vampires that was definitely fun.

Just in case you're wondering, yes, I've always been interested in vampire stories. I've been a huge fan of the original Dracula by Bram Stoker--the book, not the movie. (The movie made Count Dracula TOO over-the-top sexually charged, even though he obviously is such in the novel. I just thought it was TOO much.) I have read the novel at least 2x during my life-time and thoroughly enjoyed both readings! I hope to read it again one day! I also enjoyed the tv series Dark Shadows--the one that came out in either the late eighties or early nineties. I was terribly disappointed when it went off the air after only a few episodes.

Needless to say, when I first learned of the Twilight series, I didn't want to read the books because I felt that it was TOO much pop culture and I am always leery of anything that is so over-the-top. Of course, I'm now one of those over-the-top folks who squeals like a little girl getting a pony whenever I see anything Twilight!

It was natural, then, for me to want to read the House of Night series while at the same time, not wanting to read it because of the cult phenomenon it already was.

Conflicted much, Polly?

Of course not!


Back to my point. Since I already had book 2 on my shelf.....wait. I have to take a moment to say something here about this series. I have never read a series that didn't let me know SOMEWHERE on the cover or within the first few pages of the book WHICH book number in the series I was holding in my hand!!!!! Even though each and every book takes a LOT of time reminding me about EVERYTHING that happened in the previous books, may God have mercy on our souls if we DARE to read a book like this out of order in the series! But of course, we're obviously expected to read these books out of order since there's NOWHERE on the book itself to indicate which book number I happen to be reading at the time! (For Heaven's sake, I should NOT have to get on the internet and look up the series to find out which one I should be reading next!!!!)

Since I already had book 2 on my shelf, I went ahead and read it. It took me a little longer to read it than it did the first one. I forced myself to finish it, though, because I'm just that way. Once I start a book, I do try to finish it.

So now, I've been reading the same House of Night book for about 4 or 5 months. (It NEVER takes me that long to read a book. Not even Gone With the Wind takes me that long to read!) And don't ask me which number I'm on--3? 4? I have NO idea. What I do know is that I keep forcing myself to pick it up and read a page or two, but because I'm FORCING myself to read it, I'm not getting anywhere as far as moving through the book. And I don't want to.

Why is Zoey so fickle? If she's the goddess' chosen one, why can't she control her dang emotions?! I realize she's only about 16 or 17 years old, but can't even teenagers at that age control their hormones enough that she doesn't need more than one boyfriend?! Every single boy she meets, we have to read about how HOT he is. And before we know it, she's kissing said boy, but wondering why she's such a skank.

If she doesn't WANT to be a skank, then don't be a skank! Choices, chickadee! Choices!!! I read somewhere that the mom wanted her daughter to be a part of the writing of this series to keep it real as far as young people go. There is such a thing as TOO real, Cast girls. In fact, I HOPE that's not REAL. I hope that's just wishful thinking on the younger Cast writer!!!!

I will be the first to admit that I'm a boy-lover from way back. Yes, I like boys. Always have. That doesn't mean that I'm kissing every one I see or meet! (Maybe a part of that is because I'm overweight and guys don't like big girls, but I seriously doubt that!) I know I talk a lot about a lot of guys and how gorgeous they all are, but I don't go kissing them all--and I wouldn't, even if I did ever get to meet my beloved Gerry (Gerard Butler)! I might HUG him if he let me, now! And if he kissed me, it would be a simple hello peck. I mean, come on!

Now I'm just making myself look like a skank and ruining my whole point! Oh well.

To be perfectly honest, the other part that I'm having a very hard time getting beyond is the whole goddess and then the birdman thing that has risen from underground. Even as a Christian myself, I understand that stories often need to show the good vs. evil in ways beyond God and Satan, but the way this series works in the good vs. evil characters is just too much even for me.

I find myself offended by the obvious "f-you" to Christians in the way that Zoey is for the side of good, but yet she does what Bible-believing Christians know to be sinful acts. It is an obvious statement that one doesn't have to live a righteous life as long as one is for good, being righteous doesn't even factor in to the equation for Zoey. Everything she says and refers to has to with being good.

I have to say this. I just don't believe that being good is what God expects of us. My Bible says that in order to live in eternity with my God, I have to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. It's as simple as that. I don't have to be perfect or do everything exactly right--remember: Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven, but I do have to accept Christ into my heart and TRY to live according to HIS Holy Spirit.

Even though I do own all the books in the House of Night series that are currently available, I seriously doubt I'm going to make it through the rest of them. And I don't feel at all deprived or that I'm missing out on anything....not when I have Dracula or any of the Twilight books I can read.....again!!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Weight Loss

I'm trying to lose weight---again. I know that what works for me the most is that I need to wait until I'm hungry to eat, slow down when I eat, and actually stop eating when I'm full.

Easier said than done.

I'm learning this week that I have 2 weaknesses: 1. boredom and 2. eating to make others happy. As much as I love to watch tv (Glee and any movie), watching tv isn't getting me anywhere as far as my weight loss is concerned. It's not exactly that I'm bored with what I'm watching. It's that I don't do STILL very well.

And just because there's a HUGE pile of laundry waiting for me to fold it on the couch doesn't help my need to DO something. I'd much rather go in to the kitchen and get some pretzels or graham crackers or something else to eat. But that pile of laundry isn't going to fold itself.

But yet it's STILL sitting there.

My second problem, eating to make others happy, is not an easy problem for me, either. I'm a people-pleaser. I don't like disappointing my friends. It's especially difficult when someone says to me, "I made this [fill in food] especially for you," or "I was thinking of you when I made this [food]." It's bad enough when I hear that, but when what they make is something I REALLY like...? It's over. You might as well add the pound on the scale before I even step on it.

My friends, if you read this, remind me that I have a DVR that will record any tv show I might want to see or I can always just watch the DVD that I probably own. And please don't be offended if I don't eat what you make or bring for me [right away]. Most of the time, I can save it for later!

I am ready to change. It's time for me to be the size I'm supposed to be!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Low self-esteem day

I am having a low self-esteem day. Granted, it's been coming for several days now, but today has sent me over the top. It very well might be just plain and simple depression, but aren't the two closely linked?!

I am having a VERY hard time with this whole student complaint issue. It just makes me so angry that THIS guy of all students is complaining about me!!! I mean, honestly! I would have bet a whole paycheck that he hadn't read much of anything throughout the whole semester. Of course, at some point this semester, I even commented in class---out loud to the whole class----that I didn't think he'd read anything. Apparently, my comment upset him.

I was thinking this afternoon as I was driving back from Hickory that it is amazing how whenever a person is having a low self-esteem day, any negative comment from someone is magnified a thousand-fold. (More on how that applies to ME, personally, in a few.) So, it hit me that there is a big possibility that the day I was joking around in class about this student not reading much of anything might possibly have been a low self-esteem day for him. Rather than taking it all in stride as I thought he would, he was really hurt and deeply offended.

Rather than letting it go. He has held on to it and has allowed it to really get to him. To the point where he felt the need to go to DR. HINSHAW to complain. I honestly think that his hurt feelings are the heart of his whole complaint about me. But it's been buried in amongst other comments and complaints that he's shared with Keith Mackey. Only one of which has to do with the fact that it took Adrian so long to grade the few assignments students had to do for him during my absence because of my surgery.

Back to me and my low self-esteem day. Because I'm so down and depressed about this student complaint issue, I woke up this morning feeling like I could burst into tears. It didn't get any better as I arrived on campus for graduation this morning. Then, I was sitting with someone who finds it offensive for folks to cheer and make noise as the graduates walk across the stage, so, even though I had fully intended to applaud and shout for many of my students, I only did it for one.

Then, the students who were sitting the closest to me wanted to know why they didn't get the same out of me when they walked across the stage!!! I'm so co-dependent. It just about killed me to think that I disappointed them or made them feel less important than the one girl I DID actually shout and applaud for!!!

Needless to say, I raced out of graduation without speaking to anyone and left campus immediately rather than staying on campus for a little while and getting a little more of my work done.

I was excited about seeing IRONMAN 2 with Samuel and James this afternoon in celebration of Samuel's 9th birthday. Yes, his birthday was May 1, but it's not our fault IRONMAN 2 didn't come out until THIS weekend instead of last!!!! During the previews, I got to see my first look at ECLIPSE and it looks AWESOME!!!!! About mid-way through IRONMAN, I had been THOROUGHLY enjoying the movie, btw, the guy about 4 seats down from me said, "Shut up."

Who else would he have been speaking to if not to me? I gotta tell ya. I know I have a tendency to get carried away when I go to the movies, but honestly, today was a day when I was actually being really good! I'd only hollered really loud and obnoxiously during the ECLIPSE preview and had laughed out loud only a couple of times. So when I heard him tell me to shut up, it really hurt.

After having felt rotten for most of the day up to that point, I was really trying hard to pull myself out the funk I'd gotten in. I was enjoying my time with my son and I was certainly enjoying the movie. How DARE HE insult me?!

It was when I was in my car driving home that I had the epiphany.

This guy's comment in the movie helped push me over the precipice into the vortex of despair that I had been desperately trying to stay out of. I don't blame him. Not really. I mean, honestly, I was already so far off the edge, it only took a feather's touch to send me over. Besides, how was he to know that I was having a low self-esteem day?

Oh dear. Isn't that quite possibly what I did to this student I've been so upset about? What I mean is that it is quite possible that said student was having a low self-esteem day the day I teased him about not reading much of anything in class. I pushed HIM over the edge--maybe. I mean, think about it. This is a guy whose grades have never been that great. His GPA isn't such that he has demonstrated aptitude as one of the best students.

Does that mean he's stupid? Absolutely not. It's been obvious that he's a very smart guy. As far as SCHOOL goes, though, he's as lazy as they come. (Let me see how much deeper I can dig the hole I've dug about all the negative things I can say about this guy.)

What I'm trying to say is that maybe, just maybe, this student who has complained about me this semester has been dealing with low self-esteem issues and I was one of the people who made it worse rather than better. Instead of building him up, I helped tear him down even more.

Exactly how I've been feeling.

The difference between him and me, though, is that he took his frustration and discouraging feelings out on someone else--me--while I will be able to let all of this go and be back to my true "Pollyanna" self after I spend some time reading my Bible and worshipping. OK. And eating some comfort food! I will be able to overcome my feelings of low self-esteem because I know exactly who I am and where I'm going. That doesn't mean I am always full of the joy of the Lord, but it does mean that I do have the full joy of the Lord.

Thus, within a day or say, I'll be fine.

What or who does this student have? Friends and family, I'm sure. But we all know that quite often they're more of a sounding board when we're upset and frustrated about how someone has treated us. These friends and family members can even add fuel to our fire of negativity in their efforts to help.

Only by taking my problems to the foot of the cross can I overcome and experience God's oil of joy. PTL! So rather than being discouraged by the complaints, I am reminded, again, of just how fragile we all are. Even when we think someone is able to handle our teasing, we have to be conscious of the fact that EVERYONE has bad days....and we never know when those around us are having bad days.

This is a lesson I continue to learn and relearn and learn again. It's been hounded into me over and over throughout the years because, for some reason or another, I haven't TRULY learned least, not well enough so that I don't do it again.

The final word is this: 1. Always remember that we don't really know what's going on with[in] the people around us. 2. We need to put ourselves in others' shoes. If we wouldn't like something, then it's pretty much guaranteed that they won't either.

I didn't like having my feelings hurt today during the movie when I was simply enjoying the movie. My student didn't like having his feelings hurt when he was just trying to participate in a college English class.

One final note: to this student as well as anyone else whose feelings I may have inadvertently hurt over the years, from the bottom of my heart, I sincerely apologize. I can't promise that I won't do it again, but I do promise that it won't because I MEAN to do it.

You don't need to apologize to me for hurting my feelings. I know you didn't mean to hurt my feelings just as I didn't mean to hurt yours....

(I sure hope this came across in the positive light I meant for it to! Also, if you don't comment or pick on my about my grammar mistakes, I promise that I won't ever say anything about yours!)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Striving for 31: The most important thing I could ever tell you

Striving for 31: The most important thing I could ever tell you

Hair coloring

So for only the second time in my life, I decide to have my hair colored. The first time was for my sister Katie's wedding many moons ago. I don't remember what color it was supposed to be, but it came out much darker than anticipated. A darker brown that was almost black on me just did NOT work....I know Katie tried to see the up side since she's the one who talked me into doing it, but even she couldn't hide the look of "Oh dear" when she saw it.

This time, I decided to do something bold and fun. A friend of mine wanted to get purple highlights in her hair and I thought that sounded simply DIVINE! Purple glasses....purple highlights....purple clothes....purple shoes! All I'd need would be purple contacts! Oh, wait. I already have the purple glasses....

Anyway, we met today at our hairdressers and we both got purple highlights! Hers blends in with her red hair so well that it looks natural. I have to look very closely to actually notice the purple highlights, but they're definitely there and they definitely look really great for her!

Mine? Well, in certain lighting if you squint and maybe tilt your head a little to the right and move your head back and forth, then MAYBE you can tell I have purple highlights. This is absolutely NOTHING against my hairdresser.

It simply goes to show that my hair just does NOT like me changing its color. I honestly thing my body--my hair in particular--has a mind of its own and ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I do to change it--exercise, eat right, dye my hair--gets repelled because my body--and my hair--doesn't like or want the change!!!!!

Of course, my hairdresser said that the next time she'll use a stronger potion, but that doesn't change the fact that THIS TIME, we just can NOT see the purple that I was so looking forward to having in my hair.....And, yes, there WILL BE a next time!!!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Joy in pictures

This is copied from a scrapbooking magazine that copied it from Prevention magazine. I'm sorry I don't know which edition of Prevention....

"The next time you need a mood boost, forget chocolate. [I truly wish I could!] Forget the wine [never started] and mood music [even "Walkin' on Sunshine"?!], too. Because researchers have discovered something else that works even better. And best of all, it's calorie-free, doesn't require exercise, and can be done almost anywhere. What is it? Looking at personal photos. [Bold is mine.]

Researchers at the United Kingdom's Open University examined how much people's moods rose after eating chocolate, sipping an alcoholic drink, watching TV, listening to music or looking at photos. [Sorry. I don't know any more specifics, but I am wondering if the TV watching included Glee!!!]

The found that the music and chocolate left people's moods unchanged. Alcohol and TV gave a slight lift. [So even though I don't drink, a good reason to start.....although, with my addictive personality, still not a good enough reason!] But the winner by a long shot was viewing personal photos, which made people feel significantly better.

So next time you feel down in the dumps, pull out the photo albums." [Bold is mine.]

[I find it interesting that these researchers didn't include READING A BOOK as part of their study! I guess it would have thrown the whole study off its purpose and ruined the curve for photos!!!!!!!! Still, considering that I love to scrapbook almost as much as I love to read and watch movies, this article is very interesting!!!!]

Small things

After about 10 years, I have reconnected with some "old"---I'm going to call them friends rather than students because many of them ARE my friends even though I was their teacher, too. It literally brought me to tears to "see" them on facebook! They're 10 years older, too! Babies, marriages, college educations, and even one with a book being published soon!!!! Wow!

I waited until just last fall to finally get on facebook and I have to say that I am overjoyed at the results of my having finally gotten on board after my fighting it for so long. It is so very worth it to connect with these old friends--to see their pictures of them and their families and to learn how their lives are going and have changed in the past 10 years. I loved these guys 10 years ago and I love them still. When I saw their names online and that I could request to be their friends in facebook, my heart jumped in joy.

And, yes, I even shed a tear or two as I thought about each one and the things we shared. It truly is the little things in life that make the biggest difference. Some of these friends I was with for only a short time (2 years or less) but they made a powerful impact on my life as a whole. I learned so much from them even though I was their teacher at the time. They let me try new things with them and didn't complain (too much) when things went wrong!

I love you guys and I am so thankful that we have advanced enough in technology that we can reconnect again! God bless!!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

New Gleek

OK. I became a Twi-Hard about a year ago after finally giving in and reading--and re-reading--and re-reading (a total of 6 times each book, including Midnight Sun) the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. And, yes, I'm proud of it! BTW: I'm team Carlisle. You can have Edward and Jacob. I'll take Carlisle any day!!!

A few months ago, my sister told me about this new tv show, Glee. I listened with half an ear, barely interested in another new tv show. I'm already addicted to so many. Then, about 3 weeks ago, I saw my very first episode. I became an instant GLEEK. This show is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!! And then some!!!! I've already Netflixed the first 4 episodes and watched all 4 first episodes at least twice, staying up until 3:00 in the morning in order to watch them all!!! Again, I'm proud of my Gleekness.

With that being said, it hit me this afternoon that Glee is really nothing but a harder, grittier High School Musical. As much as we all went crazy over HSM, it is not at all surprising that Glee has become the national phenomenom it now is. I, like millions of others, wait in anxious anticipation for each week's episode. My DVR is set to tape it, yet I still watch it during it's original airing and then over and over and over again throughout the week! I honestly can't get enough of my Finn, Rachel, Quinn, Sue, Mercedes, Puck, Curt (Kurt?), and, OMG--Will!!!!!!

Will Zac Efron ever be a guest star on Glee? I seriously doubt it. The network can't make it overly obvious that they've stolen the basice essence from something else that took the nation by storm.

Does that lessen my love for or enjoyment of Glee? A resounding NOOOO!!!! It is THE most amazing show on tv and I'm going to go absolutely insane when this season is over!!!!!!!!!