
A Mom & her Baby

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Weight Loss

I'm trying to lose weight---again. I know that what works for me the most is that I need to wait until I'm hungry to eat, slow down when I eat, and actually stop eating when I'm full.

Easier said than done.

I'm learning this week that I have 2 weaknesses: 1. boredom and 2. eating to make others happy. As much as I love to watch tv (Glee and any movie), watching tv isn't getting me anywhere as far as my weight loss is concerned. It's not exactly that I'm bored with what I'm watching. It's that I don't do STILL very well.

And just because there's a HUGE pile of laundry waiting for me to fold it on the couch doesn't help my need to DO something. I'd much rather go in to the kitchen and get some pretzels or graham crackers or something else to eat. But that pile of laundry isn't going to fold itself.

But yet it's STILL sitting there.

My second problem, eating to make others happy, is not an easy problem for me, either. I'm a people-pleaser. I don't like disappointing my friends. It's especially difficult when someone says to me, "I made this [fill in food] especially for you," or "I was thinking of you when I made this [food]." It's bad enough when I hear that, but when what they make is something I REALLY like...? It's over. You might as well add the pound on the scale before I even step on it.

My friends, if you read this, remind me that I have a DVR that will record any tv show I might want to see or I can always just watch the DVD that I probably own. And please don't be offended if I don't eat what you make or bring for me [right away]. Most of the time, I can save it for later!

I am ready to change. It's time for me to be the size I'm supposed to be!!!

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