
A Mom & her Baby

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hair coloring

So for only the second time in my life, I decide to have my hair colored. The first time was for my sister Katie's wedding many moons ago. I don't remember what color it was supposed to be, but it came out much darker than anticipated. A darker brown that was almost black on me just did NOT work....I know Katie tried to see the up side since she's the one who talked me into doing it, but even she couldn't hide the look of "Oh dear" when she saw it.

This time, I decided to do something bold and fun. A friend of mine wanted to get purple highlights in her hair and I thought that sounded simply DIVINE! Purple glasses....purple highlights....purple clothes....purple shoes! All I'd need would be purple contacts! Oh, wait. I already have the purple glasses....

Anyway, we met today at our hairdressers and we both got purple highlights! Hers blends in with her red hair so well that it looks natural. I have to look very closely to actually notice the purple highlights, but they're definitely there and they definitely look really great for her!

Mine? Well, in certain lighting if you squint and maybe tilt your head a little to the right and move your head back and forth, then MAYBE you can tell I have purple highlights. This is absolutely NOTHING against my hairdresser.

It simply goes to show that my hair just does NOT like me changing its color. I honestly thing my body--my hair in particular--has a mind of its own and ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I do to change it--exercise, eat right, dye my hair--gets repelled because my body--and my hair--doesn't like or want the change!!!!!

Of course, my hairdresser said that the next time she'll use a stronger potion, but that doesn't change the fact that THIS TIME, we just can NOT see the purple that I was so looking forward to having in my hair.....And, yes, there WILL BE a next time!!!!!


  1. Can't wait to see it tomorrow. I love Teresa's when she colors it purple! :^)

  2. Oh, dear Polly, you can't fool mother nature. The first time I had my hair colored, it came out so dark/black I cried. I had my brother in law cut it 1/2 inch long so it would grow back out its real color. What a nightmare!
